Proactive Referral for Online Students
Faculty play an instrumental role in student success. Through the Proactive Referral for Online Students, eSuccess partners with faculty to support students experiencing academic challenges in online courses. We believe that our programs work best when faculty make referrals as early as possible in the semester. We strive to reach out to students around midterm (if not sooner) so that they have ample time to make informed decisions and improve their learning experience.
When faculty, instructors or online program coordinators refer a student, CLASS will work quickly and diligently to:
- Get a better understanding of the specific barriers that are hindering academic success.
- Meet with the student during an eSuccess consultation to create a personalized academic success plan.
- Ensure awareness of other relevant resources that address the student's needs.
If the concern is not related to academics and is an emergency, please contact the FAU Police Department at 561-297-3500 or file a report on the Dean of Students website.
If you are concerned about a student's academic progress in your online course, simply email us at To help us in our efforts to support our students, please be sure to send relevant student information such as the student's full name, their Z-number, your course number, the student's email address, and the reason for your referral. If you are referring a large group of students, please send us an Excel file with relevant student information. This information can be easily downloaded from Canvas.
This academic support program is designed to address a wide variety of student concerns, including but not limited to the following:
- Unfamiliarity with Canvas or other required software applications
- Poor assignment/test grades
- Missing assignments
- Lack of engagement
- Lack of motivation
- Needs assistance with writing skills
- Needs assistance with course content
- Needs assistance with study skills
- Unusual change in academic habits